California healthcare providers can now get comparative drug cost information and patient-specific alternative medicine choices through their electronic health record (EHR) system. The Drug-Cost Transparency Service™ is free of charge and offers real-time information while providers are meeting with patients. 

Blue Shield of California, working with Gemini Health LLC, is pleased to announce this breakthrough service that puts up-to-date drug information at providers’ fingertips. They now have actionable information during a patient visit before making a medication decision and prior to sending the prescription to the pharmacy. 

This service can save valuable time and resources for both providers and patients.

Easy to use

Providers log in to the Gemini system through their EHR system, enter their patient’s prescription, and the system delivers: 

  • Accurate patient out-of-pocket costs for the prescription at the patient’s preferred pharmacy
  • Accurate patient costs and savings for three lower-cost alternate medications, based on the patient’s benefits
  • Accurate patient costs and total savings for alternative pharmacies, such as specialty or mail order
  • Notification of any prior authorization requirements and alternate medications that don’t require prior authorization
  • Coverage notices that may require pharmacy call-backs to the provider

One advantage after another

  • Immediate cost savings:
    Instant access to the patient’s coverage information means both patients and providers will save on drug and administrative expenses.
  • Faster service:
    Access to patient benefit details reduces pharmacy call-backs and prior authorizations.
  • Smooth integration:
    Providers get up to speed quickly with minimal changes to their EHR workflow. 
  • No charge:
    Although there may be costs associated with integrating the service into the provider’s EHR and training, the service is free of charge to physician groups in California.